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What would 21 days of focusing on
create for you?

Are you STUCK with the same old thoughts, feelings, and results?
Do you tend to fight through life and are a bit of a martyr?
Do you sabotage your creations or do you not allow yourself to have/create too much?

Are you ready for real change where you allow yourself to receive more of the glory of this infinite universe?


What if you could actually easily attract wonderful things and circumstances to you and then allow yourself to receive them?


When we allow, we come out of resistance. What you resist, persists. You can’t fight your way out of your issues. Fighting keeps you in effort and hardship. Instead, allowing creates a flow of ease and receiving in your world. This flow is possible and it is waiting for you to choose it!

Cynicism, defence, apathy, righteousness, martyrdom, and sarcasm are just some of the ways we use resistance to keep ourselves from the abundant flow of the Universe. They are all ways to keep ourselves from receiving and allowing. 

Giving up your fight is the easiest way to win. It just doesn’t look the way you think.

We believe fighting is the way to win. It actually creates resistance which is not the natural, infinite way of the Universe. Allowance is the way to win without causing anyone else to lose. Allowance is a state of no judgment and allows for clear creation. Receiving is the gracious allowance of having things come into your life. It is NOT the taking of things and it is not at all associated with greed or selfishness or victory or vanquishing another.

If you have been desiring something different – like ease and relief – instead of constant and endless judgment, fighting, and fixing of you as your life, then join me, Fay Thompson, for 21 days of receiving and allowing! Isn’t it time things became a little easier and kinder for you?

Starting Tuesday, January 29th, we will explore releasing resistance and truly receiving from a place of divine grace and gratitude.

NOTE: This is a 21-day event with daily Facebook Live Videos and downloadable audios sent to you to listen to again and again.  You can tune in live or listen later.

Each day we will discuss a topic or do an exercise with regards to the subject matter and do clearings that will get you out of limiting thoughts, beliefs, and conclusions, and, of course, ask questions that will open you to new possibilities and creation.

This all happens on a dedicated private facebook page where you can post questions and insights, watch daily videos, and be part of the group. And I will address your questions through comments and the daily videos.

What possibilities might be created for you through sustained attention to receiving and allowing? I wonder?


JAN 29-FEB 18
FB live videos at  12 pm MST Daylight Savings (Saskatchewan time) Note: There may be the odd day where this time changes.

$175 taxes in

BONUS: Invite a friend to join who has never done a 21 day class with me before and you will receive 25% off your tuition for each person you bring. That means have 4 friends join and your class is FREE!

Once you pay for the event, you will be directed to the Facebook Private Page. Ask to be added as a member.


What possibilities might we create?

Thank you for sharing the magic!