Access Consciousness® is a set of life-changing techniques, tools and processes, designed to empower you to create the life you desire. It was founded by Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer and is being utilized in over 170 countries worldwide.

Practical, dynamic and pragmatic, Access Consciousness® provides step-by-step processes to facilitate you in being more conscious in every day life and eliminate all the barriers you have put up to receiving and having everything you truly desire.

The tag line of Access Consciousness® is “Empowering People to Know that They Know”. It is designed for you to access your own knowing and your own true potential.

I offer Access Consciousness® tools in 2 ways: Facilitation/Coaching and Access Bars® treatments. I also facilitate Access Bars Practitioner Training and Access the Foundation classes.

“Consciousness is the ability to be present in your life in every moment without judgment of you or anyone else. It is the ability to receive everything, reject nothing, and create everything you desire in life – greater than what you currently have, and more than what you can imagine.” – Gary Douglas

Access Consciousness® Facilitation/Coaching

Let me empower you to know that you know. You have all the answers regarding you within. There are ways of easily uncovering those truths and discarding the judgments of who you are. You are massively aware of other people’s thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Your awareness does not make you responsible for others. Let me help you come to terms with your awareness and see it as the gift it really is.

Access Bars® Sessions

One of the most powerful tools in Access Consciousness® is a process called Access Bars®. An Access Bars® session involves touching 32 points on the head while you lie down, relax, and receive. The activation of these points begins releasing the equivalent of thousands of years of acquired limitations, judgments, and beliefs that hinder you from creating life as you would like it. The process literally begins dissolving limiting points of view from the inside and opens you up to the greater possibility of you.

Come for a session or take the training to learn to do it for yourself and others.

1 – 15 minute session: $75 +GST

1 – 30 minute session: $120.00 + GST

1 one-hour session: $200 + GST

Package of 5 one-hour sessions: $950 + GST

Package 10 one-hour sessions: $1850 + GST

Package of 5 – 30 minute sessions: $575 + GST

Package 10 – 30 minute sessions: $1150 + GST

“… hands down, one of the most dynamic sessions I have ever experienced. The more I listen to the recording (of our session), the more things are shifting! And with so much ease! Thank you Fay!” – A.S. – Yoga Instructor

In less than 30 minutes, an electric charge that was so heavy from a ‘lost friendship’ dissolved like magic. Fay has a way of getting to the truth of our emotions and in this particular process (done through FaceTime) she was able to release the ‘false god’ I was making so vital in my relationship. It’s hard to explain what even took place. What I can tell you was what In less than 30 minutes, an electric charge that was so heavy from a ‘lost friendship’ dissolved like magic. Fay has a way of getting to the truth of our emotions and in this particular process (done through FaceTime) she was able to release the ‘false god’ I was making so vital in my relationship. It’s hard to explain what even took place. What I can tell you was what happened a short time after.
It’s been over 20 years since I have written music. After my session with Fay, I sat at my piano and wrote my feelings down and in a mere 15 minutes a song came out. WHAT!!??!! Not only was I able to released a friendship that I so strongly wanted to be, but space was opened for my creative juices to flow. I am in awe of the simplicity! Much gratitude to you Fay! – C. M. – Massage Therapist