Your Best Friend

A few weeks ago my oldest daughter was having problems in her relationship with her best friend. They disagreed about something on the playground and ever since then, her friend would ignore my daughter and refuse to play with her. I could tell that my daughter was very hurt and angry. She didn’t know what to do.

As a mother, seeing your child hurting is never easy. In cases such as these, it can be so easy to blame someone else for making your life miserable. Only problem with that is it leaves you victim to someone else’s decisions. In this particular example, my daughter was feeling like a victim to her best friend. I knew that in order for my daughter to come out of this with her relationship in tact, that she had to let go of the anger and the blame she was feeling and come to a place of love. But how?

That night, I laid down with my daughter before she went to sleep. I asked my higher guidance to show me the best way to help my daughter with her situation. This was the information I received.

I told my daughter to close her eyes and imagine her inner best friend. This isn’t your actual best friend in the world, but the one that resides within. I asked her to notice how much this friend loved her, supported her, and wanted to play with her. I asked her to notice how much this friend believed in her and thought she was perfect. She did. After she had reacquainted herself with her inner best friend, I was guided to tell my daughter to imagine hugging her inner best friend. When they hugged they were to merge into one, allowing her inner best friend to become part of her. In this way, my daughter became her own best friend. When she did this, it seemed like all the anxiety she had over this issue released. I bid her good night and she went to sleep very quickly.

The next day after school, I asked my daughter how her day was. She said it was great and that her best friend and her played together all day. It was as if nothing had ever happened. This is why inner work is so important. It changes the outer world as if by magic.

Take a moment to connect with your inner best friend. Is this person a familiar face or a complete stranger? Allow them to love and support you. Allow them to be kind to you. Hug them and become one with them. Become your own inner best friend and pay attention to how much friendlier the world seems when you do. The one thing I noticed when I did this exercise is that when I am connected to my inner best friend, I am never alone and have all the love and support I need.

Be kind to yourself this month. Be your own best friend and do something different and fun. May May be your best month ever!

Fay Thompson