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Access Bars Swap with TV

When was the last time you had your Bars run…with TV?

Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness, talks about how if you run your Bars watching TV shows or movies that upset you, trigger you, scare you, or that you think you can’t handle watching, that you get free faster because the implants those shows trigger surface to be released.

During this evening, we will choose a show that will create the most benefit for all in attendance. We will discuss what upsets us and choose from there. Then we will swap bars.

If things get too intense while watching, I will facilitate you to invite you to a new possibility.

What if all upset wasn’t real?
What if nothing ever upset you again?

Space is limited so register early!

PREREQUISITE: You must have taken at least one Access Bars class. You can not gift Bars to someone if you have not taken the class.

What to bring: A blanket and pillow and make sure you dress in layers. Suggest slippers and a sweater.  The space can sometimes be very cool.

Tuition: $10

To register, contact me by email or text.

Fay Thompson


[email protected]

Thank you for sharing the magic!