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Access The Foundation

“The Access The Foundation class was the first class I took where my life changed for the better right away in so many ways. It just wasn’t 4 days of feel good fun. It was an intense look at my life and a gift of an entire tool box I could use to see the truth of me without judgment and to break free from all the restrictions I had put on myself. My business doubled in 6 months. My joy quadrupled. This class is a LIFE CHANGER.” – M.T., Saskatoon

NOTE: Due to Cover-19 care will be taken to be distanced and there will not be more than 10 people gathered at once. There is also the option to take it online. If you have questions regarding this, please contact me.

This class is not about fixing this reality. This class is not about changing this reality. This class is about creating a new reality – one that honours and supports you being you…and it is possible.

In these four days, if you are willing, you will receive all the tools required to start you on your journey to discovering who you truly are and the joy that comes with being.

  • Ready for something that asks you what you know and empowers you to be aware?
  • Ready for something that provides you with tools to access and acknowledge your own knowing, your own power, and your own capabilities and magic?
  • Are you ready to get out of total judgment of you for being different and start celebrating the fact that you are?

In these 4 days, you will receive the foundational tools required to create change in your life with ease. You will not be the same person after this class, but you will be more of the REAL and AUTHENTIC you, and not the person you think you need or are expected to be.

The focus of this class is releasing you from judgment – the right and wrong that keeps you captive. Consciousness includes everything and rejects nothing. To be in total consciousness you must be out of judgment. When you are no longer in judgment, then you are open to total receiving.

The Foundation is the prerequisite that is required to move onto the advanced Access Consciousness® classes with founders, Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer.

If you’re wondering if this is a rehash of classes you’ve taken before, it is not. It is different than anything you have ever encountered. It is a true, non-judgmental look at creating your life with joy and releasing you from the judgments that keep you punishing yourself or putting yourself down.

This class is about creating what you’ve always known is possible.

This is an invitation to a greater life and living! Will you accept?

Note: The prerequisite for Access The Foundation is Access Bars.

Tuition: $1700 ($850 if repeating within the last 12 months)

Note: Children 15 and under are free. Teens aged 16-17 half price. All children must have completed the required prerequisites.

Access Foundations is changing my life.  New awareness, new knowledge, new perspectives…and doors opening.  It’s simply amazing.  I love learning and expanding my awareness, and this class is a mind-blowing way to do that.  One of my favorite parts?  It’s easy.  It’s fun.  It’s simple.  I don’t enjoy memorizing long, complex processes; this class is not about that.  Access Foundations is full of universe-altering gems that I am now using every day (I started using these gems even as I was taking the class, and noticed the shifts immediately).  I feel empowered to create my beautiful life, and I feel lighter, more expansive and so very excited.

Fay is a world-class Facilitator and is a kind, funny and amazing teacher.  She welcomed me into her home with such joy (and great coffee).  The other participants are beautiful beings, and I’m so glad I now know them.  I can’t express how much I love this class.  It’s a game-changer, and I highly recommend it!” Amanda Scott – owner and founder of Grounded Goodness

To Register, contact

Fay Thompson


[email protected]

Thank you for sharing the magic!