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Do you feel like you are a victim? 


Do you feel like you are trying to save/protect victims?



Being a victim and making others victims is the most disempowering stance on the planet.

Being a victim means you are powerless to change what has happened to you.

Being a victim means someone else is to blame which keeps you in constant judgment instead of getting busy with choosing something else.

Seeing others as victims does not support them. It makes them powerless.

This all can change and we all can be empowered and empowering.  Is it time to realize you are not a victim nor is anyone else? Is it time to recognize the magnificent power we have as infinite beings and creators?

If so, then perhaps this class is for you.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Tower Hill Acreage
Saskatoon, SK

$100 + GST 


To Register:

Fay Thompson


[email protected]


Thank you for sharing the magic!