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Worried about side effects or complications from the C0v1d V@cc1ne?

There is a body process that is designed to eliminate negative effects of the shot(s) without compromising your immunity.

What is a body process?

An Access Consciousness Body Process is a hands-on method that uses different hand placements on various positions on the body while asking specific energies to run at each spot. These processes facilitate the body back into its original functions, which assist with the repairing and longevity of the body. The energies are the natural energies that bodies are and have access to from everywhere in the universe.

What if embodiment was about the joy of it:
the ease, joy, and glory?

What if nothing, no substance, and no control is greater than you and your choice? You can choose for you, and you can choose for your body.

If you are wondering if this is for you, ask if this body process would be a contribution to you and your body. You will know.

What’s Included:
1. You will receive the magic of this body process from another participant and you will learn it by gifting it to a participant.
2. You will have the opportunity to be facilitated on any issue or question you ask during class hours.
3. You will be a practitioner of this process upon completion meaning you can do this process on others for recreation or as part of your business offerings.
4. Fun and laughter in a relaxed setting.

Saturday, Nov 6, 2021
9:30pm – 11:45pm
Tower Hill Acreage, Saskatoon, SK

$225 + GST 


or Contact Me To Register:

Fay Thompson


[email protected]


Thank you for sharing the magic!