Communing and Creating with the Elementals of Nature – Online
June 14, 2021 @ 12:00 pm - July 16, 2021 @ 12:30 pm
An Energy Pull Series
Want to add some fun, ease, and glory into your creations and life?
Commune and Create with the Elementals of Nature!
Listen to Day 1 below…
Nature is filled with creative energies and entities and they are willing to play with those who are pure of heart and willing to receive.
There is still time to join us and you will receive all of the replays.
Are you willing to invite the magic and glory of the Elementals of Nature into your life?
Join me, Fay Thompson, for 5 weeks of exploring the magic, grace, fun, joy, and creativity of the Elementals of Nature. Each week we will look at a new type of elemental and ask them to contribute to our creations and lives.
The Nature Spirits we will be working with are:
Fairies – the Fae of the Flowers and Plants
Pixies – the Fae of the Forests and Trees
Sprites – the Fae of the Water and Oceans
Dwarves – the Fae of the Earth and Minerals
Sylphs – the Fae of the Air and Sky
and a host of others that show up!
When we live as the elementals do and be as the elementals be, our own magical capacities come out and we tap into the glorious world of creation, ease, joy, and glory.
NOTE: This is a 5-week event on zoom. You will have opportunity to contribute and ask questions. You can tune in live or listen later as an audio replay will be sent to you.
Dates: MWF June 14-July 16 at Noon MST (Saskatchewan time)
There is also a dedicated private facebook page where you can post questions and insights and be part of the group. And I will address your questions through comments and the daily zoom videos.
I wonder what might happen when you invite magical elementals to contribute and be present in your life and then allow yourself to receive?