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October 23rd is Global Access Bars Day!

Experience a taste of Access Bars!

From 9:30-noon, come experience a 20 minute taster of Access Bars or simply just come to ask any questions you may have. Please pre-register for a time slot. If demand requires, I will open more time slots in the afternoon.

$10 fee

To register, contact me at [email protected] or 306-229-4393

Also at no charge, throughout the day, founders of Access Consciousness Gary Douglas and Dain Heer will be offering insights and there will free videos and information available. Click here to be part of that.

Access Bars® is a revolutionary process that eliminates and eradicates limiting thoughts, beliefs, and patterns right at the source. By simply activating 32 points on the head, an energetic discharge of the energy which holds the limiting beliefs in place occurs. At worst you’ll feel like you had a great massage. At best, your whole life can change!

Thank you for sharing the magic!