The RNA Process – Saskatoon, SK
Tower Hill Acreage Tower Hill Acreage, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CanadaWorried about side effects or complications from the C0v1d V@cc1ne? There is a body process that is designed to eliminate negative effects of the shot(s) without compromising your immunity. What is a body process? An Access Consciousness Body Process is a hands-on method that uses different hand placements on various positions on the body while [...]
Access Bars Swap with TV – Saskatoon
Tower Hill Acreage Tower Hill Acreage, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CanadaAccess Bars Swap with TV When was the last time you had your Bars run...with TV? Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness, talks about how if you run your Bars watching TV shows or movies that upset you, trigger you, scare you, or that you think you can't handle watching, that you get free faster [...]
Writing From Inspiration Intro
this is an online eventAre you wanting to write, then get stuck the moment you try? Does your writing feel forced or uninspired? What if it could be easy? Writing from inspiration flows naturally. It comes quickly. It SAVES YOU TIME! And, it usually is far more eloquent than non-inspired writing. If you're interested in writing from inspiration, join [...]
Consciousness and Coffee on the Deck
Tower Hill Acreage Tower Hill Acreage, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CanadaIt's amazing what conversing about possibilities can do... to remind you that you are awesome...capable...and the the Universe does have your back. I'm inviting you to come have coffee relax enjoy laugh and remember the power and joy of you and life! What would be possible if we stopped fighting? What if you could relax [...]
The Reversal of All Punishments to the (Your) Body – Saskatoon, SK
Tower Hill Acreage Tower Hill Acreage, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CanadaHave you been punishing your body? Are you ready to stop all that? How do we punish the body? With judgments, harsh words, nasty thoughts... With injuries or illnesses or aches and pains... By believing its ability to create and enjoy pleasure is sinful or evil... By withholding acknowledgments and allowances of your body's absolute [...]
Global Access Bars Day Saskatoon
Tower Hill Acreage Tower Hill Acreage, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CanadaOctober 23rd is Global Access Bars Day! Experience a taste of Access Bars! From 9:30-noon, come experience a 20 minute taster of Access Bars or simply just come to ask any questions you may have. Please pre-register for a time slot. If demand requires, I will open more time slots in the afternoon. $10 fee [...]
Find Your Happy
Tower Hill Acreage Tower Hill Acreage, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CanadaAn evening of exploration and learning to FIND YOUR HAPPY! Come with questions and an open mind...leave with tools to choose whatever your happy is Tuesday, June 20 at 6:30pm TUITION: $45
Ditching Positivity for Possibilities
this is an online eventTired of needing to be positive all the time? Do you find it exhausting? Or, when things are not the way you'd like, do you judge and blame yourself for not being positive or good enough? What if there is a better way to get to joy...and what you desire... without needing to constantly monitor [...]
Access The Foundation
To be Announced Saskatoon, CanadaAccess The Foundation What if anything is possible? What if everything can change? "Dismantle the foundation of limitation and possibilities will be all that is left."- Dr. Dain Heer Thousands of people around the world have created the life they desire by using the simple and pragmatic tools of Access Consciousness that you will be [...]
Access Bars Practitioner Training – Saskatoon, SK
Tower Hill Acreage Tower Hill Acreage, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CanadaAccess Bars Practitioner Training Learn the magic of Access Bars! Access Bars® is a revolutionary process that can eliminate and eradicate limiting thoughts, beliefs, and patterns right at the source. By simply activating 32 points on the head, an energetic discharge of the energy which holds the limiting beliefs in place occurs. At worst you [...]