Clear the Energy

Something that I do on a daily basis is clear my energy. This is not common practice for most people and I realize many of you may have no idea what I’m talking about. So I will do my best to explain in a few short paragraphs.

Everything is energy. Science has proven this. And if everything is energy, then anything not working in our lives is energy too. When we get dirty, we wash. When a machine breaks, we fix it. The same goes for energy. When energy gets stuck, we need to clear it.

Stuck or repressed energy always feels bad, because we are meant to go with the flow. Energy is meant to flow. Anything we label as negative energy is really just stuck or repressed. Here are ten of my best tips to get your energy flowing:

1. Spend time in nature. Be present with the grass, trees, flowers, etc. (Don’t go outside and think about being back in your office.) Allow yourself to breathe in fresh air. Even better is to walk barefoot on the grass or lean against a tree and have the intent that this will cleanse your energy. Pay attention, it will and as fast as you allow. We are bombarded daily by EMF (electromagnetic frequency) from fluorescent lighting, wifi, cell phones, tv, microwaves, gps, etc. Nothing will cleanse that EMF pollution like spending time outdoors.

2. Change your clothes at the end of the work day and give them a shake. Yep, shake that energy right out of them. Your clothes carry energy. This is why people feel comfortable in jeans. It’s not that jeans are more comfortable (although they are made from natural fibers instead of synthetic). It’s that you put them on when you are ready to relax. They have an energy of relaxation about them.

3. Listen to uplifting or enlightening music. We all know that music can change your mood. This is because sound immediately changes energy. All ancient teachings use sound in their healing practices – drums, rattles, gongs, chanting. There is a reason for this. It clears energy.

4. Breathe slowly, fully, deeply, and consciously. Spending just a few minutes a day deliberately breathing adds an enormous amount of oxygen in your system. Every cell needs oxygen to survive and thrive. Oxygen heals.

5. Surround yourself with natural products. Eat natural foods, preferably raw and organic. Use natural cleansers. Pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals are harmful to you and will slow down your energy until it is stuck.

6. Drink water and lots of it. Pop is probably the worst thing you can put in your body. Energy drinks are no better as they are often full of sugar and caffeine. Your cells are energy and without water they have no flow. Everything gets muddled and stuck. Dirty cells create diseased cells.

7. Meditate. Every morning I imagine all my energy in and around my body being cleansed and cleared until I feel like pure white or golden light. This is highly beneficial.

8. Bathe in salt water – epsom or sea salt or both! Salt is an energy cleanser and works miraculously on clearing one’s energy.

9. Move. Take a walk or exercise. Our lymph system carries negative energy (toxins) out of our body, but it doesn’t have a pump like the heart. We must move to pump out that junk. So whatever you do, move! Schedule in getting out of your desk and off the couch breaks!

10. Do anything that truly gives you pleasure. Joy is energy at its purest.

I could go on and on. This month just take time to notice your energy and give yourself the gift of whatever it takes to clear it. And whatever you do, remember it should feel good. Intend for it to work – and it will.

Fay Thompson