What’s Your Story

Our life is a series of stories we have been telling since birth. As a child, we told stories of how life was, and when we weren’t sure what life was about, we adopted the stories of those closest to us – usually our family. When we tell a story and believe it, we begin to live it. Supporting characters come in and out of our life, but we are the main character experiencing the effects of the stories we tell.

Most people are unaware of their stories. By coming into awareness of how our story supports what is happening in our lives, we can then dare to write a new chapter or a whole new book! Awareness is the key. Sometimes we are not aware of our stories because we get lost in them. We come to believe that the story is just how life is and that you have to act within the parameters that you believe are set in stone. Changing the story means changing the parameters.

Recently I became aware of a story I was telling. On my spiritual journey, I have spent years clearing blocks, obstacles, and karma to keep me moving forward on my spiritual path. Everyday I would do some sort of clearing. While this did aid me greatly, it finally came to a head when I realized I was never going to be done. I unwittingly created a situation where I would always have something to clear. I would always have a block in my path. This left me with little or no time to enjoy the effects of my clearing. As soon as I cleared one thing, another showed up. This is because of the story I told. Perhaps this is also why I have trouble enjoying myself if the dishes aren’t done or if the house isn’t clean. Everything has to be in perfect order before the fun can begin. While on the surface, clearing away blocks and obstacles seems noble and beneficial, it really is a trap. I trapped myself in my story. I needed to write a new one.

I made a decision very recently to quit daily clearing. Whenever I notice or feel a block in my way, I am telling myself that I am not living that story anymore. I am now telling the story that despite what is on my path I am free to enjoy myself now. It is a gradual process, but the more adamant I am in my new story, the more I experience it in my life. The more I move my focus away from the blocks and more on what I would enjoy in the moment, the more I enjoy the moment.

What stories are you telling yourself? Is it that you are always busy or in a rush? Is it that you are not good enough to pursue an activity you are interested in? Is it that other people are out to get you so you never allow yourself to relax and enjoy yourself unless you are alone? Is it that some addiction is hard to break? Is it that someone else is to blame for your situation leaving you powerless? Whatever is happening in your life is attached to the story you tell about it. Take a hard look at what story you have written and dare to rewrite it. Dare to tell and live it the way you wish.

Fay Thompson